面试结束时可以问的 25 个问题

Posted 16th October 2024 • Written by Rachel Wells on www.forbes.com •


在回答 “你有什么问题要问我们吗?”之前,你需要了解什么?








What is a typical day or week like in this role?

What are the key challenges I would face in this role should I be hired?

How is performance measured and reviewed for this position?

What are the main priorities for this role in the first 90 days/ 6 months?

How does this role contribute to the organization's overall goals?

What functions are on the team I would be working with, and can you tell me more about my team?

How does the team communicate and collaborate when working remotely?

What is the company's approach to maintaining a healthy work-life balance?

How does the company support professional development and career growth?

How often do you provide feedback and performance reviews?

What tools and technologies do you use across the organization to support remote work?

What events or activities do you have in place to ensure employee connection and engagement? Do you have in-person meetups at any pint in the year?

Are there any expectations for remote employees such as myself to work specific hours or be in a particular time zone?

What is the onboarding process for remote employees?

Is this a newly created vacancy or am I filling a role after someone has left? Why did that person leave?

What did the last person who filled this role do, or not do, that I should replicate or do better?

Where do you see this company in a year's time? Three years' time? And how would this role make a difference to that vision?

In light of the recent news regarding XYZ, what mechanisms have you put in place to adapt to changes in the industry?

How far along are with XYZ project, and where/how would my role contribute to its success?

How do you foster diversity and inclusion within the team and across the organization?

Are there opportunities for progression within this role or department?

What strengths do you think would make someone successful in this position?

How does the company support continuous learning and skill development?

Are there opportunities to work on cross-functional projects or with other departments?

What are the next steps in the hiring process, and when can I expect to hear back?

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