
Posted 14th February 2024 • Written by Mark Murphy on forbes.com •


一种更新的回答问题方法,SHER刚好可以补全这几点。SHER 是 Situation(情境)、Hurdle(障碍)、Endgame(结局)和 Reflection(反思)的缩写。鉴于在当今的就业市场上展示情商的重要性,SHER 方法既能让你有条理地回答问题,又能展示你的自我认知能力、可塑性和成长性。

使用SHER 方法回答面试问题

假如应聘者被要求描述一次他们从上司那里得到严厉反馈的经历,该如何使用 SHER 回答这个问题。

Situation - 情境(设置场景)


例如 :I had been given an assignment to do a quick demo for a boss. The instruction I received was unclear.

Hurdle - 障碍(承认挑战)

在这一阶段,要突出你遇到的具体挑战。通过 SHER 方法,可以明确区分所面临的情况和障碍,从而使你的叙述更有深度。

例如:I assumed I knew what the topic was and prepared a broad and technical presentation. This was not the presentation the director wanted. He gave me some tough feedback.

结局 - Endgame(解决和克服)


例如:I realized my failings: One, I didn't ask for clarification. Two, I didn't ask the advice of my team. I was given the opportunity to do the presentation again. This time, I prepared the correct information and rehearsed and got feedback from my team members.

Reflection - 反思(持续成长)


例如:Reflecting further on this experience, I recognized the critical importance of effective communication and teamwork in ensuring project success. The initial setback highlighted my tendency to work in isolation, underestimating the value of collective input. After receiving feedback, I actively sought my team's perspectives, which not only improved the quality of the presentation but also fostered a more collaborative work environment. This experience taught me to value diverse viewpoints and to never underestimate the power of asking for help or clarification.


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