
Posted 8th March 2023 • Written by themuse.com •





“What do you feel I’ve done well in the past year [or however long it’s been since your last review]?”

“What do you think my strengths are as a [role]?”

“Have you seen improvements in [area your manager asked you to work on in the past]?”

“Does anything stand out to you as one of my biggest successes or achievements since our last review?”

“You praised [something you’ve worked on since your last review]. What specifically do you think made it successful?”

“Is there any unique skill or perspective that you think I bring to the team?”


评估过程中领导给出好评自然能提升你的自我,但即使你过去一整年在工作中都表现出色,也还是会有需要改进的地方,所以有必要计划 "下一步"。无论是管理培训,学习新的技术技能,还是承担更重要的项目,几乎可以肯定的是,你仍然需要做一些事情来实现专业成长和向前发展。



“Are there specific skills where you feel like I could be stronger?”

“Are there any new skills you think I could develop?”

“What skills do you feel I’m excelling at? Is there any way I could use these skills in a new way or to help the team?”

“Are there any stretch assignments I could take on in the coming months to hone my skills or develop new ones?”

“What do you see as the next steps in my professional development?”

“How would you suggest that I approach learning [new skills] and applying it to my role?”

“How do you think I could better contribute to our team?”

“How could I be making your job easier?”

“Are you happy with our current level and style of communication? Is there anything I could change to make things better for you?”

“Do you have any additional feedback for me outside of what we’ve gone through already?”

“Is there anyone else it would be valuable for me to check in with and get feedback from?”




“What would you like to see from me by our next performance conversation?”

“How are you planning to measure my success or progress in the coming months?”

“In the future, I’d like to [professional goal you have]. What do you think I need to do to get there?”

“I think that I’ve made progress in [skill]. Are there any assignments or projects I could take on to use my new skill?”

“Are there any projects or initiatives where I may be able to take on a leadership role?”

“Would now be a good time to discuss a new idea I had for [a new process, project, initiative you’ve thought about]? If not, can we schedule some time to talk about this?

“I’m interested in learning more about [another area of your company or team’s work]. How could I go about doing this?”

“Are there any resources available to help me with my goals?” (For example, a budget for taking courses or attending conferences.)



“Is now the appropriate time to discuss my compensation?”

“Are there any opportunities for growth within the company from my current position?

“What can I do to make myself a candidate for a promotion?”

“What can I do to make myself a candidate for a raise?”

“What timeline are you thinking about in terms of raises or promotions, and what would you like to see from me during that time?”




“What timeline did you have in mind for our next informal check-in or formal review?”

“A year is a long way out—could we schedule a check-in sooner? I’d love to make sure I’m on the right track throughout the course of the year.”

“Can we schedule regular check-ins about my progress and goals throughout the year outside of our usual one-on-ones?”

“Is there any way we can check in about my progress outside of the company’s formal review system?”



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